The new multiplayer modes in Mount & Blade: Warband have ramped up the medieval action by a few notches. In that event you'll be notified of that condition each week until you entire disable recruitment or allocate more funding to that fief.This is the first part of our guide to Mount & Blade: Warband. You will not receive any updates or messages telling you that troops have been hired unless a fief tries to spend money towards the queue and is unable to due to insufficient treasury funds. Now that we've set up the above, every week your fief should hire as many soldiers from the queue that it can while staying within your set budget. For now just know that it defaults to the Split Spending design. This is your choice of using a Focused or Split spending plan for the queue and will be explained in more detail below. This is accomplished by visiting the Garrison Recruitment UI. You will need to tell the queue what you want hired and in what quantities. You can allocate more funds to your Treasury through the Finances UI as well as setup your weekly recruiting budget there. Funding used to support recruitment is done from the fief's treasury instead of pulling directly from the player. The fief's Treasury must have funds available to support the budget and you must setup a budget allocation for recruiting. This is enabled automatically whenever you allocate treasury funds towards recruiting. This can be done by visiting the Garrison Queue UI and checking the aforementioned box. Garrison recruitment needs to be enabled. In order to make this occur the following things need to be set up: Once per week each location under your control will attempt to hire soldiers of a specific type and tier based upon available recruits, mounts (as needed) and the funding you've allowed.

With this change, that becomes the case and should add a lot of convenience in the way you oversee taking new locations.

This always seemed like the kind of task that your local Captain of the Guard should be responsible for overseeing, not the lord or king himself. Not only do you need to find sufficient recruits from the neighboring lands, but you also need to transport them back to the desired fief which means leaving enough space in your traveling party to accommodate this and having the time to see to it. One of the more tedious aspects of managing a kingdom in Warband during the mid-late game is stocking the garrisons of castles or towns that you acquire.